Articles, blogs & tutorials
What every father needs to know for the First 3 Months after Birth
Why and How you are important as she is breasfeeding
Her breasts, not yours! You may have jerked off between them, but they don’t belong to you, and I know you[...]
Supporting your partners breastfeeding choices
The risks of not breastfeedingA lot that you and you partner have about breastfeeding, will give you this information, but[...]
What every father needs to know
Monday 18 December 1989, this day is etched into my memory, I will never forget the long, lonely, almost painful[...]
When your partner is pregnant, what about sex?
For some men, thoughts of physical intimacy or having sex with the future mother of their child, during pregnancy, can[...]
What happened after birth (a dad’s story)
This week Louis Dunn shares some of his own mental health struggles as he came to terms with being a[...]
Billboards, breasts and how she chooses to feed her baby
"... The first thing I notice is the wood in my trousers ..."Over the years that I have worked as[...]
A powerful way for fathers to bond with their baby
Photo Credits:Baby photos: Kate Mount Katies photo: Peter James MillsonBeyond the routine of nappies and winding – Dads and Baby MassageI’m[...]
How to handle stress in pregnancy?
It’s hard to deny that pregnancy can be a stressful time for your partner and for yourself. Finding ways to[...]
When things don’t go as you expected they would!
Our history as the human animal offers us the opportunity to have abundant confidence in a woman’s intrinsic power to[...]
What does she mean?
The words that your partner uses as she is speaking to you are very specific, and she means what she[...]
Can mindfulness really make a difference as a man prepares for birth?
A friend of mine, Donavon Jones, a male midwife and researcher from Australia is studying just that question. Enjoy this[...]
What is a Doula (and why would you want one)?
You may have heard your partner talking about wanting to employ a doula for when she is giving birth or[...]
Fight, Flight or Freeze
Fight, Flight or Freeze...... good for protecting a woman's safety and private space, not so good if we can’t control[...]
5 Reasons Why You ‘Should’ Get Ready For Her Birth
I remember it like it was yesterday, hell, even now I’m starting to notice my heart racing a little and[...]
Men And Women Are ‘Different’ Right?
It was pretty much my first live radio interview, local radio but nerve raking enough. I know I’m there because[...]
She Is Pregnant. ‘What the ‘f*ck’ do I do now’?
If you are like many of the men I’ve worked with over the last 20 plus years as a midwife,[...]
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We aim to provide you as father (to be) with everything you need to know when your partner is pregnant and for the moment that she is giving birth. You will get tips, insights and stories that are useful and relevant to you. What makes it even better? It is free!